KL. Paper Boy

Your team has an honorable daytime job: you deliver the local newspaper, which contains absolutely essential information about the ongoing zombie apocalypse. Despite of the sudden drop in interest, you and your team decide to implement the best effort service described in your contract and deliver all the papers even if there are no readers anymore. Less traffic on the streets will speed up the process anyway.    A similar game decades ago

In this task, you have to implement real time dynamic control of 3 simulated bicycles. You have to deliver newspapers, perform stunts, and run obstacle courses in a world full of hazards.

Score for this task is the sum of two halves (both for maximum 2500 points each): "delivery" and "agility".


In "delivery", each of your bicycles can gather game points by delivering paper and completing obstacle courses. For each hour of the contest, the game points gathered by the teams are scaled against each other in a linear manner to get the contest score (best team gets maximum hourly score, worse teams get the maximum hourly score multiplied by the ratio of their points to the points received by the best team). Game points are reset after each hour.

In each hour, every mailbox, checkpoint and course are worth points only once per bicycle. To get the theoretical maximum score for a game hour, each bicycle would have to visit every mailbox and checkpoint, and complete every course once, inside the hour.

Each mailbox and checkpoint has a "level": 1 to 4 (easiest to hardest). Courses are chains of checkpoints, and their score is determined by the level of their last checkpoint.

To receive points for a mailbox, a bicycle has to throw a bundled up newspaper and hit the mailbox. Each bicycle can only carry 30 newspapers at once. Newspapers are replenished by touching a reset point, or forcing a manual reset.

To receive points for a checkpoint, a bicycle just has to touch the checkpoint.

To receive points for a course, a bicycle has to touch all checkpoints in the checkpoint chain in order, reaching each subsequent checkpoint within 30 seconds after the previous one, without touching any other checkpoints or any resetpoints.

Awarded game points:

The hourly maximum contest score is 2500 divided by 24, multiplied by 0.5 for the first hour, 1.5 for the last hour, and linearly scaled in between.


The game tracks the completion time for obstacle courses (although the time doesn't matter for the "delivery" score). In each 6 hour period, leaderboards are built for each course completed by at least one team, using the completion time: the quickest team gets first place. For each course that the team completed at least once (with any bicycle), a value is calculated:

level * 0.8place-1
Where place is the place in the leaderboard for the course (starting with 1), and level is the difficulty of the last checkpoint in the source (1 to 4). These values are then summed for the team, and the results are scaled against each other in a linear manner, with maximum score for each 6 hour period being 2500 / 4 = 625.

Bonus Task

Until the end of the 22nd hour (7:00), you can submit your own bicycle map (a file in the described map format), to the "Paper Boy - Your Own Map" task in the submission system. We don't plan to award any score for this. However, if we find a team-submitted map that we like that happens to work in our engine, we'll swap the game map to the team's map for the last hour of the contest (from 08:00).


The Paper Boy world is a 3D world with an euclidean coordinate system.


The world consists of tiles. Each tile is an axis-aligned box 5 meters in the X direction, 5 meters in the Y direction, and infinitely tall in the Z direction. In other words, if TX and TY are non-negative integers, then each tile contains the following section of the world:

 X = TX*5.0 ... (TX+1) * 5.0
 Y = TY*5.0 ... (TY+1) * 5.0
 Z = -infinity ... infinity
Each tile contains a type of floor, and may contain some objects. Objects are horizontally centered in the tile, and vertically begin on one of 8 special heights (called layers) - meaning objects stand on layers. One tile can have only one object standing on one layer, so one tile can have at most 8 objects.

The layers and their heights are:
height layer
-2.5 "moat"
0.0 "road"
0.08 "sidewalk"
2.58 "elevation 1"
5.0 "roof"
5.08 "elevation 2"
7.58 "elevation 3"
10.08 "elevation 4"
There are four types of floors. A floor fills its tile horizontally, at a certain height. Floor types and their heights are:
height floor type description
0.0 "road" normal road surface
0.08 "grass" can be slippery
0.08 "sidewalk" physically the same as the road, but slightly higher
-2.5 "lava" a trench, with lava at the bottom. Don't fall in it

Map File Format

The map file is a text file with LF line endings. The first line of the map file contains a single integer: the map size, in tiles. The map is square, and contains map_size*map_size tiles.

The following map_size lines contain the rows of the map. The first line has tiles at TY=0, the next line has TY=1, etc.

Each line has map_size words. The first row specifies the tile at TX=0, the next one at TX=1, etc.

Each word is 10 characters long.
position description
1 space (for separation)
2 floor type
3..10 objects in the 8 layers, in order of layer height.
The floor type is one of:
char description
'r' for road
'g' for grass
's' for sidewalk
'l' for lava
The object type is marked by one of the following characters: ".1234hdulrftc_|ko".
char meaningdescription
'.' empty There's no object on the given layer.
'1', '2', '3', '4' mailbox Mailboxes have four different scores, '1' lowest, '4' highest.

Physically, a mailbox is a standing cylinder, with 0.5m diameter and 1.8m height.

'h' house A house is a cube that horizontally fills the tile, and is vertically 5.0m high (so the roof of the house is at layer height + 5 meters).
'c' reset point When bicycles are reset, they're spawned standing on the nearest reset point.

Reset points don't constitute a physical obstacle, but bicycles can touch reset points. A touch is detected when a bicycle wheel intersects a cylinder standing on the reset point with 4.0m diameter and 1.0m height.

'k' check point Checkpoints don't constitute a physical obstacle, but bicycles can touch checkpoints. The sensitive area is the same as with reset points (a cylinder with 4.0m diameter and 1.0m height).

Checkpoints have more data at the end of the map file (see below).

'f' flat surface Fills the tile horizontally at the layer height, has the same physical properties as a road.
't' elevated surface Fills the tile horizontally at 2.5m above layer height, has the same physical properties as a road.
'u', 'd', 'l', 'r' ramps Ramps ascending to one of four directions.

Ramps have the same physical properties as roads. They're rectangles that are at layer height on one edge of the tile, and at 2.5m above layer height on the opposing edge of the tile.

'u' ascending to the north It's a rectangle that is at layer height at the south edge of TY, and at layer height + 2.5m at the north edge of TY+1.
'd' ascending to the south It's a rectangle that is at layer height at the north edge of TY+1, and at layer height + 2.5m at the south edge of TY.
'l' ascending to the west It's a rectangle that is at layer height at the east edge of TX+1, and at layer height + 2.5m at the west edge of TX.
'r' ascending to the east It's a rectangle that is at layer height at the west edge of TX, and at layer height + 2.5m at the east edge of TX+1.
'_', '|' planks Planks have the same physical properties as roads. They're rectangles that lay flat on the layer height. They connect an edge of a tile with the opposing edge, but they're only 1.7m wide, leaving a (5.0-1.7)/2 = 1.65m wide gap on each side.
'_' west-east plank A plank connecting the west and east edges of a tile (centered at TY=0.5).
'|' north-south plank A plank connecting the north and south edges of a tile (centered at TX=0.5).
'o' column A physical obstacle. Columns are cylinders with 2.5m diameter and 2.5m height.

Mailboxes, checkpoints and resetpoints all have indexes. They're all indexed, separately, beginning with 0, in the order of map file appearance (from TX=0 and up, then TY=0 and up).

After the last encoded map row, the map file ends with metadata on checkpoints - one line per checkpoint, in index order (so order of appearance in map).

Checkpoint lines consist of words, separated by spaces:

    TX TY layer index next score name

Geometry file

To aid with visualization and other algorithms, we provide a file (in the public file sharing area at http://server.ch24.org/public/) that contains a dump of the map geometry - someone may find this useful.

The file is a list of records, each record a line. Each line begins with a prefix character. Possible record types are these:


Coordinate system

Units are meters. All angles are radians.

Control (player → server)

UDP packets, text based, rows separated by LF.

First row is a single 32 bit unsigned integer sequence number. Packet is ignored if the previously received packet had a >= sequence number. If no packets are received for 10 seconds, the internal counter is reset to 0 (the first packet sent by the player should have a sequence number of 1).

Following rows are commands, one command per row. Commands are composed of words, separated by spaces.

Bicycle control command summary:
command formatdescription
<bicycle_id> <thrust> <steer> <weight>
Set control input
<bicycle_id> reset
Move the bicycle to a nearby resetpoint in a standing position. (Uncontrolled, unbalanced bicycles will tip over.)
<bicycle_id> paper <vx> <vy> <vz>
Throw newspaper with a certain speed. Only one newspaper may be in the air at a time for a single bicycle (if there's an active newspaper, the throwing command is ignored).
<bicycle_id> cam
Focus the camera on the selected bicycle.
parameter type value range description
bicycle_id integer 1 .. 3
thrust float -1 .. 1 controls the brakes (-1..0) and pedalling force (0..1). Any amount less than -1 for thrust will apply a small, constant reverse thrust.
steer float -1 .. 1 controls the front wheel. (left .. right)
weight float -1 .. 1 controls the center of mass. (left .. right)
vx,vy,vz float * velocity in m/s. If the given velocity vector is greater than 10m/s, it will be scaled down to 10m/s (keeping its direction).

Control values are saved and used until the following command.

'steer' and 'weight' are inputs to a controller, they aren't immediately actualized.

Update (server → player)

UDP packets, text based, rows separated by LF. Words are separated by single spaces.