Auditors are few, but papers to push around are many.
For low level bulk processing, auditors employ secretaries.
These secretaries are not very clever (this is why they're not auditors yet),
but if a simple task is explained well, they can do it precisely and without asking needless questions
(the famous motto for auditor's secretaries is "understanding is not required - only obedience").
One of the important tasks in such audits is to set up procedure manuals. Such a manual contains (among other things) a list of requirements. Once a process doesn't meet a requirement, the difference must be documented clearly. | |
To make sure there are enough manuals available for describing all processes of a company, the custom is that auditors dictate all manuals to secretaries after the audit ends. The secretaries then merge all manuals with all other manuals. All possible combinations are kept, to be on the safe side; but since this merge produces new manuals in the system, they have to restart merging again, producing even more combinations. This goes on and on until the end of the working day. (Precisely until the end: since the labor union of secretaries is strong, they don't have to do any overtime.)
A merge of two manuals A and B will result in a new manual C, and is produced in three steps:
Secretaries are not just hard-working but are also very pedantic. For the two manuals mentioned above, they not only merge A and B into C, but also B and A into D.
Looking at all this, you realize what they did not: each requirement is just a 1-bit property of a manual (whether the manual has it or not), since the order of requirements does not really matter. Sooner or later, there are going to be ultimate manuals that will contain all requirements ever invented by the auditors. Since you know you will need to prepare for the ultimate manuals, the only question remains: how many of those will exist? If only a few, you may sneak in and shred them before anyone notices.
After N and T, the input file contains 2N integers. Integer no. i (numbering starts from 0) is the count of how many copies of manual i exist (copies are handled like separate manuals when merging, but have the same set of requirements in them). Manual no. i lists only those requirements where the binary digit of i is 1 (i.e. manual 0 contains no requirements, manual 1 contains only requirement #1, manual 2 contains only requirement #2 while manual 3 contains both requirements #1 and #2).
2 123 87 65 43 21